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Isimila Stone Age Site

Isimila Stone Age Site- find out how to combine with your Tanzanian holiday.
Blog Category: Archaeology | Ruaha NP

Isimila Stone Age Site

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Isimilia Stone Age Site

In the Iringa region you can see the history of the Hehe’s warring years comes to life; Kalenga, fifteen kilometress (nine miles) west from Iringa along the Mloa road is the village. There the ruins of Mkwawa’s capital can be found, along with his mausoleum, and a small museum featuring the famous warrior’s head.

For truly ancient ruins, a trip to Isimilia Stone Age Site is mandatory. Located twenty-three kilometres (14 miles) west of Iringa, this historical site is among the most important in Africa. Making their home in these highlands more than 60,000 years ago, people of the Acheulean age have left a legacy of hand axes, stone picks, hammers and cleavers all associated with a large number of antelope and pig fossil bones that bear marks of butchery The partial skeleton of an ancestor of the modern hippo Gorgopsalso probably preyed upon by these Stone Age men, has been excavated as well. In a gully upstream from the ruin site are several freestanding stone pillars. Some of these natural abstract figures reach fifteen metres (49 feet) in height, fashioned from the surrounding rock by years of weathering. If you are going to Ruaha be sure to include Isimilia Stone Age Site.